Can I put council tax into bankruptcy?
Important. You will still be liable for your present and future council tax, including while you are bankrupt
Council Tax Arrears From a previous year
Any council tax arrears from a previous year due at the date you became bankrupt are included in the bankruptcy. Your local council will not be able to enforce this debt once you are bankrupt.
Council Tax Arrears From the current year
If before you were bankrupt, you lost the right to pay your council tax by instalments because you did not make the payments on time, you will have become liable to pay the whole year’s council tax. This debt too will be included in the bankruptcy. You will not be liable for any payments towards council tax for the rest of the financial year (April to April) as long as you remain bankrupt.
Bankruptcy Without Council Tax Arrears
If you are not behind on your Council Tax payments the remainder of you liability for the current year can’t be included in your bankruptcy and you will be required to pay it.
Can I be made bankrupt over my Council Tax ?
The minimum debt for which someone can try to make you bankrupt, usually refereed to as a Creditor Petition, is £5,000. Only in the unlikely event your council tax arrears are this much could you be forced into bankruptcy due to council tax debt.